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This is YOUR birth

It is vital to my work to explore birth physiology and to create trust in the intelligence of our body. We will find out what an "undisturbed birth" could mean for you and we will aks questions such as:

Which factors can be counterproductive to your birth process?
Which factors can be beneficial to your birth process?
What can I do to protect your birth?
How can you enter into your full power and intuition?
Why is a balanced body so important, especially in pregnancy and birth and how can you support your body?




Coming home


Another important part of my work is the communication with our fascial tissue. What may sound weird at first, is in practice a very deep, meditative way of working with our body. In our body, everything is connected by fascia tissue. When we enter into the realm of our body through fascia, it allows for us to enter a space inside of us where we can release emotion and tension that we've been holding onto. Through this very gentle way of working with our bodies, we can meet in the beautiful silence behind our words. We can enter a space that's weightless and peaceful. It allows us to get out of our head and into our body. We are invited to feel a deep relaxation, a flow of emotions, a restorance of balance. 

We are invited to come home to ourselves. 


I learn this bodywork from Marcello Windolph who's a fasciatherapist MDB (Methode Danis Bois). 

We're fascinated by the words -

but where

we meet is in the silence

behind them.

- Ram Dass

Bildschirmfoto 2020-05-17 um
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