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Anne Richter

Loving care during pregnancy and birth


  I'm so happy you're here!

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I offer loving, mindful and compassionate birth companionship. â€‹


I would be honored to accompany you on your way to the birth YOU want. 



  My Individual  Care FOR YOU

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We get to know each other in a first meeting
If we decide to work together, we will see each other at least four times in your pregnancy
We will write a birthplan together
We will care for your body and soul through meditation and bodywork
Our focus is on enabling you to balance your body by yourself
There is always the possibility for you to call or text me

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I will be on call 24/7 starting 2 weeks prior to your due date until your baby is born
If you want, there is the possibility of having a back-up doula
During your birth, I will stay by your side the whole time and give you all my love and presence 

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Postpartum care

Individual care for the first time after birth, I will meet you at least two times after birth at your home 
We will take time to reflect on your birth experience and support your body with bodywork

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Closing Ceremony

A closing ceremony is a healing ritual for you as a mother where we lovingly thank and honor your body

More info about that coming soon!

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Blessingway Ritual 

Du bist Schwanger und stehst in den letzten Wochen vor deiner Geburt? Du möchtest dafür bewusst und gestärkt in die Geburt gehen? Oder du kennst eine Schwangere, welcher du ein von Herzen kommendes Geschenk machen möchtest zur bevorstehenden Geburt?


Dann könnte ein Blessingway Ritual genau das Richtige für dich sein. Mehr Informationen findest du hier. 

Dekorative getrocknete Pflanzen

Vielen Dank!

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